About Us|BNVirgo.com
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
THE ONLY & 1ST Criminological, Psychological and Sociological establishment in Jamaica that focuses on non-profit and for profit.
#CSSA For Social Scientists across the Caribbean.+ Conducting research Socially, Criminologically ,Psychological & via CriminalJustice. #CaribbeanSocialScientistAssociation.
What are the Benefits and Services of the Association?
Establish the services/benefits that are included in members’ dues such as publications, a group insurance plan, discounted registration fees to certain meeting(s) throughout the year, discounted fees on certain products offered through your corporate partners, lobbying efforts, etc.
Jamaica Social Scientist Association/Society/Club. ©The Caribbean Social Sciences Association [Society] & The Caribbean Social Scientist Association [Society]. ©We are the Jamaican/Caribbean Criminology Association [Society], which is also The Caribbean Criminology & Criminal Justice Association [Society] ©, as well as the ©Caribbean Criminal Justice Association [Society].
Which features ©Jamaica’s Criminology [Society] Association, ©-Jamaican Criminal Justice [Society] Association and © Jamaican Social Scientist Society [Association].+ ©Jamaican Social Sciences Society [Association]. Criminological Association/Society of Jamaica. Criminal Psychology Association of Jamaica.

Our Story

![POCA-Proceeds Of Crime ACT[ BOJ Act]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7a35c0_f766c741dc434d48b44f07f7b6c5410e~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_695,h_876,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/7a35c0_f766c741dc434d48b44f07f7b6c5410e~mv2.jpeg)

Our Clients

CSSA For Social Scientists across the Caribbean.+ Conducting research Socially, Criminologically, Psychological & via Criminal Justice. #CaribbeanSocialScientistAssociation.
This is also for citizens and residences who would need the assistance of a Criminologist, Victim Service, Rehabilitation Programs, Contracts, etc.
CaSS Society is THE ULTIMATE UMBRELLA FOR EVERY THING SOCIAL SCIENCE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE RELATED. One stems from advocacy to outreach to Teaching of Laws and Acts. Assist with probation and parole, etc.