30-45 secs ads run for 1 x month advertising on TheBestLinkRadio.com.
1 x Whatsapp BROADCAST, a week to over 1500 people.
1 x Status on whatsapp & over 12 x IG pages per week.
1 x post per week on 14+ IG pages.
Good day, greetings and salutations-Take advantage of the sale
876-856-0815. TheBestLinkRadio.com.
Advertise for under $35
30-45 secs ads run for 1 x month advertising on TheBestLinkRadio.com.
1 x Whatsapp BROADCAST, a week to over 1500 people.
1 x Status on whatsapp & over 12 x IG pages per week.
1 x post per week on 14+ IG pages.
Good day, greetings and salutations-Take advantage of the sale
876-856-0815. TheBestLinkRadio.com.